Accommodation Booking System
Do you own a Guesthouse, Lodge, B&B and the like? Are you looking for booking solution for your website?
We can help! We offer a state of the art booking solution for you. It can even be integrated in your current CMS system! It’s cost effective and easy to use, so you can watch your website bookings grow with your business.
Here are some of the features our system has to offer:
The system has a powerful booking engine: Thereby allowing for the taking of deposit payments online through your own booking system. No need to pay somebody else commission! The system is Ajax driven, we were among the very first booking systems to utilize this technology and have built extensively on this solid foundation ever since.
The system and its web platforms are Responsive: Using responsive templates, we were one of the first booking systems to adopt Bootstrap 2, we are also compatible with Bootstrap 3, which delivers a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework.
Paypal: Paypal is supported by default, take payments online within minutes. We also offer integration into many of the South African payment gateways (VCS & PAYFAST) , meaning you’re not just limited to Paypal.
Optional extras: Optional extras can be added easily to a booking. Create a simple extra which can use a number of different pricing models (such as “per booking” or “per day”) or if you want to offer finite resources (such as tours or a table in the restaurant)
Dashboard: Dynamic, ajax driven Dashboard displays relevant information clearly and cleanly.
Easy tariff editing: Choose the tariff editing mode that suits your business.
Total control over pricing: …or the Micromanage mode that allows you total control over pricing and minimum stay lengths.
Simple User Interface: Property details are shown on one page, with an easy to navigate UI, tabbed information pages, Google maps and slideshow.
Image uploads: The media centre makes it easy for you to upload, view and delete images for the property, it’s slideshow and even for individual rooms.
Discounts: Multiple discount features available including coupon codes, partner discounts and personal discounts for guests. QR codes that link direct to the booking form can be printed as part of your promotional material.
Secure booking portal: Designed from the ground up to be a secure booking portal.
Search: A large number of different search features are available.
CMS: Our system is designed to work with Content Management systems.
Blogging Solutions
CommCentrix offers fully comprehensive blogging solutions that empowers the blogger. Our solution provides all the necessary essentials for bloggers to create beautiful blogs and publish their thoughts world wide.
- Easy blog creation editor interface.
- Easy Image upload and management within blog.
- Auto – save features (so you never lose your work).
- Micro blogging features (as on the popular Twitter platform).
- Blogger Profiles & Avatars.
- Comments system.
- Integrated social sharing.
Our directory solution offers you the ability to have either single or multiple structured directories. Listings/entries are customizable with any field criteria that you would require.
Field types:
- input box
- textarea w/ and w/o Wysiwyg
- single select list
- multiple select list
- checkbox group
- radio button
- email field
- URL field
- image field
- category field
Some possible uses for our directory solution include:
- Business Directory
- Product Directory
- Restaurants Guide
- Real Estate Listings
- Members or Profiles Directory
- Conference Program
- Documentation System
- FAQ Area
- Download Management System
- Weblinks List
- News Section
With our solution you will have the ability to create / set up multiple categories. Categories give you the ability to display your content in an unlimited nested category tree structure for easy organization and layout. Content can be assigned to multiple categories at the same time. We also offer intuitive search function that will allow your site users to find what they are looking for quickly and effectively.
Apart from structuring and setting up your desired directory our web designers will also implement the latest web techniques & standards to make your directory look amazing and function smoothly.
Our ecommerce solutions enable you to enables you to monetize your website and capitalize on all the advantages that online shopping has to offer. We provide a complete comprehensive ecommerce solution that integrates fully with our content management system. Our ecommerce solution offers not only a store that operates around the clock but also incorporates sleek and modern design web standards to maximize sales and increase your revenue. Some features of our versatile ecommerce solution are:
- Unlimited number of products & child products.
- Product reviews & ratings.
- Product variants/attributes.
- Show related products feature.
- Fully customizable shopper groups.
- Clever & intuitive stock control.
- Set up of shipping methods to suit your customers’ needs.
- Order tracking.
- One page quick checkout.
- Invoice Generation & printout(branded with your business identity)
- Coupon Handling & discount calculation rules.
Our ecommerce solution integrates with all major payment gateways including but not limited to;
- PayPal
- Skrill/ Moneybookers
- PayFast
- Easy Pay
- Eway
E-Learning Solutions
Learning management systems (LMS) are web software applications that facilitate the administration, tracking, reporting, and delivery of education programs or training courses. LMS systems. In regulated industries an LMS can be a very powerful tool for compliance training. Our LMS also allows for employee appraisals and performance tracking, and competency management. LMS solutions also thrive in academic environments i.e. online universities where study material and exams can be deployed rapidly and efficiently.
Why you need a LMS solution:
- To track, report and provide rapid delivery of training.
- Greatly reduces cost of course/material delivery and management.
- It is fast and flexible.
- It is intuitive and interactive with immediate feedback.
- Features of E-learning Solution.
- Easily add/create courses online through easy and intuitive administration.
- Add/attach separate individual lessons to your course modules.
- Create table of contents for your courses.
- Add any type of media (video/audio/text/files) to enhance course modules
- Gradual release of lessons i.e. monthly or daily basis.
- Forum and comments for students to interact and comment on lessons and build online community.
- Print Report certificates which helps students quantify what they have learned.
- Easily monetize your training system via subscriptions through PayPal.
- Quiz students/trainees to test their understanding/competency and track their progress throughout.
- Manage students/trainees in one place.
CommCentrix offers the implementation of a robust scalable fully integrated E-learning solution that promises to:
- Efficiently manage the administration of training
- Consolidate training information into one single platform
- Centralize and align training processes with efficient and comprehensive reporting and competency grading
- Reduce your overhead costs
- Present a user friendly and intuitive learning system to your learners.
Events & Bookings
Our event booking & ticketing solution makes selling events on your website easy & efficient. Events are easily submitted and customized through our intuitive user interface. Offer your site users the ability to book an event in just a few simple clicks.
Key Fearures:
- Registration/booking for both group & individual.
- Customizable events & event registration.
- Google maps integration.
- Payment integration.
- Celendar layout support.
- Ticketting & fully automated customizable mail system.
Helpdesk Solutions
We offer an advanced user support solution which will enable you to offer your end users professional and timely support with their issues and questions. Get problems solved quicker through our easy and intuitive interface that will save you time and ultimately money.
- Flexible security structured with different permission levels for both customers and support staff
- Ability to stick tickets to appear at the top independently of the order
- Ability to bookmark ticket(s) and knowledgebase article(s)
- Ability to post system-wide through to client specific Announcements
- Unlimited categories support in workgroups and downloads
- Support for usability rating by users
- Attachment support in Knowledge Base and Tickets
- Comments support in Knowledge Base
- Ability to export to CSV format customizable set of fields
- History of exports are tracked and available for download (while records marked as exported)
- Allowing explanation of technical terms throughout a Glossary
- Any known keywords used in the Glossary are highlighted offering instant explanation
- Contract limits based on years, months, days, number of tickets or labour hours
- Contracts are configurable per workgroup, allowing to use the same system to support ad-hoc and contract based clients
Membership Websites
Our membership solution offers you the ability to restrict access to certain areas/features of your website based on level of membership. Memberships can be sold online through integration with all major payment gateways. Much like with our social solution the membership solution also offers fully scalable user registration and profile customization (if profiles are implemented). You will be able to specify advanced package/memberhip creation and allow access to different facilities on your websites based on those.
- Scalabe & fully customizable package creation.
- Offering users multiple levels of access to your website.
- Payment Integration.
- Invoice creation functions.
- Membership expiration & renewal reminder functions.
Payment integrations:
- PayPal
- Skrill/ Moneybookers
- PayFast
- Easy Pay
- Eway
Social/Community Website
Our social website solutions offer you comprehensive social networking solution that gives you all the tools and usability needed to grow and maintain your website community. You can facilitate member interaction through popular features such as allowing members to create groups, instant chat and status updating. Create and customize user profiles with whichever field criteria you desire. Profiles can be further extended through the addition of avatars & profile photo’s. Offer your website user’s extended registration and member content creation features that will keep them coming back for more. You can also monetize your website by offering paid for memberships to your community.
- Fully scalable & flexible user profiles.
- Full front-end look and feel customization.
- Functions seen in all major social networks i.e. creation of groups, instant messages, profile wall etc.
- Allow members to participate in creating content i.e. blog posts shown inside their profiles.
- Advanced member categorization & search functions.
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Get in Contact
Our client engagement model is designed so that we have an understanding of our client's business, it's strategy online and of course their objectives and thus allowing us to ensure the best online services are provided to most accurately achieve these objectives.
If you identify any aspect of your organisation where we could add value please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would welcome the opportunity to meet and discuss your specific requirements.